
(Showing 65 – 96 products of 420 products)


Pink Beauty Bouquet


Pink is a magical colour. With this Bouquet of 8 Pink Roses, wrapped in cellophane, you can make anyone fall in love. It is beauty at its best.

Product Contains:

– 8 Pink Roses

Bunch Of 10 Mix Flowers With Half Kg Pineapple Cake (Eggless)


This stunning gift hamper, featuring a flower arrangement of assorted flowers and a tempting round pineapple cake is a perfect gift hamper for a loved one. The flower arrangement consists of 10 stems of gerberas and roses along with fillers. The cake weighs 500gms.
Shape : RoundFlavours : Pineapple
Weight : 0.5 kg
Colour of Flower : Assorted
Type of Flowers : Mixed Flowers
No. of Stems : 10

Original price was: ₹ 1,266.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,045.00. 17% Off

Designer Chocolate Vanilla Cake (Half Kg)


The best of both Worlds, Chocolate and Vanilla come together to make a heavenly sensation that will make your taste-buds explode with happiness. Topped with delicious chocolate thins, this Half Kg Chocolate-Vanilla Cake is perfect for any occasion or celebration.
Key attributes :
Shape : Round
Flavours : Chocolate
Weight : 0.5 kg

Original price was: ₹ 775.00.Current price is: ₹ 665.00. 14% Off

Pineapple Cake with Cherry Toppings (Half Kg)


The ideal way to make any celebration memorable is to add this exotic pineapple flavored cake. Decorated with lots of creamy frosting, pineapple slices and cherry topping, this cake is absolutely delectable.
Key attributes :
Shape : Round
Flavours : Pineapple
Weight : 0.5 kg

Original price was: ₹ 575.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00. 13% Off

Red Rose Bouquet


When someone means so much to you, nothing could be better than a bunch of Red Roses to convey your love and affection. Express your heartfelt feelings for the one who stole your heart with the true symbol of love- Red roses this Valentine’s Day. Key attributes :
Colour of Flower : Red
Type of Flowers : Roses
No. of Stems : 8

Best Wishes Flowers


Consisting of jaw-dropping red carnations and divine white lilies, this bouquet can bring a happy curve on anyone’s face. Be it a birthday or an anniversary or any other occasion, this bouquet of carnations and lilies is the perfect gift to make your dear ones feel special.

Luxurious Flowers Bouquet


This lovely bunch of 100 Pink Roses packed beautifully with a pink ribbon is a perfect stunner for every grand occasion. Make your recipient feel extremely adored with this lovely and luxurious bouquet. Suitable for occasions such as Birthdays, Anniversary, Congratulations, etc.

Original price was: ₹ 4,549.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,549.00. 22% Off

50 Red Roses & 50 Yellow Roses Arrangement


If you’re looking for an instant way to get your beloved to open her heart to you, send this long arrangement of 100 Red and yellow roses. This ultimate arrangement is a great present for occasions such as Birthday, Anniversary, Congratulations, Silver jubilee, etc.

Original price was: ₹ 3,999.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,575.00. 11% Off

The Best Combo


A lovely bunch of 20 Red and White roses packed in lovely red paper, a box of 16 ferrero rochers chocolates and 1/2 kg chocolate cake, what else you want to sing the jingle bells. A perfect gift to start the jingle bells.

Beautiful 6 Blue Orchids


This bouquet is a really beautiful arrangement of flowers. It has six exquisite orchids, and the colour of the orchids is blue. Blue orchids symbolize rarity, meditation, and spirituality. This exquisite bouquet makes a perfect gift for anyone. Key attributes :
Colour of Flower : Blue Type of Flowers : Orchids No. of Stems : 6

Original price was: ₹ 875.00.Current price is: ₹ 699.00. 20% Off

Chocolate Truffle Cake 1 Kg


The Incredibly Delicious Chocolate Truffle Cake is the one to lust after. Laden with Rich Creamy Molten Chocolate on the inside, and Chocolate bars on the top, this 1 Kg freshly baked Chocolate Cake suitable for celebrating special Birthdays, Anniversaries etc and making them more memorable.
NOTE:The icing, design of the cake may vary from the image depending upon local availability.

20 Mix Roses with Half Kg Pineapple Cake (Eggless) & Celebration Box


This is an exotic bunch of 20 graceful roses in assorted colors like red, yellow and pink. These cheery blooms are stylishly tied together with a matching ribbon, and are teamed with a classy Cadbury Celebrations pack and a luscious pineapple cake. You can gift this marvelous hamper of love to your special one on all romantic occasions, to send your heartfelt love in style. Bunch Of 20 Mix Roses,1/2 Kg Round Shape Pineapple Cake,Cadbury Celibrations Chocolate Box 118g

Exotic Beauty


A lovely one-sided bouquet of fresh and exotic 9 purple Orchids wrapped in a baby pink wrapping paper with a white colour ribbon bow tied on it. Simply beautiful and an elegant gift that can bring smile to your someone special. An amazing way to make them feel special, who make you feel happy and complete your life. Its simply awesome!

Original price was: ₹ 799.00.Current price is: ₹ 749.00. 6% Off

Fresh 20 Red Roses


A beautifully shaped bouquet made from the colour of love, red. Here is a collection of 20 red roses in a bouquet with green fillers in white packing paper and red ribbon. The simplest way of saying ‘I love you’ to your beloved and make them feel special. These roses are not only eye pleasing but also a heart touching gift to some one special.

Original price was: ₹ 875.00.Current price is: ₹ 799.00. 9% Off

Enigmatic Red Roses Red Paper


Red Rose is the forever sign of deep, passionate, and long-lasting love. To let your loved ones know about your emotions for him/her, this is the bets gift. We have creativey wrapped a red paper around these roses and tied with a red Ribbon to add more beauty to this floral arrangement.

Original price was: ₹ 699.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00. 29% Off

Roses Chocolates And Teddy Bear Hamper


Brings you gifts that are all set to elate the special ones on any gifting occasion. Here is a gift combo which will surely bring a smile on the face of the recipient on any special occasion. The gift combo comprises of chocolates, teddy bear and a bunch of roses. The bunch of roses has 18 beautiful roses which have a hidden message of apology. There is a white teddy bear which is 12 inches in size. Ferrero Rocher box which has 24 pieces of tempting chocolate is also included in the combo. So go ahead and place your order now. Product Details: Bunch of 18 Red Roses with Matching Ribbon Bow Tied, 24 Pcs Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Box, White Teddy Bear (Size: 12 inches)

12 Mixed Roses Arrangement


This contains 12 Mixed Roses that have been wonderfully showcased in a round handle basket arrangement. The entire arrangement is immensely classy and will be perfect for occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and the like. Product Details: 12 Mix Roses with filler in basket

Original price was: ₹ 849.00.Current price is: ₹ 625.00. 26% Off

Classic Bunch Of Ten White Roses Bunch


You will fall in love with this gorgeous and pristine bunch of roses without a doubt. This bunch looks extraordinary in white and will definitely be a perfect gift to convey your message of peace, love or sympathy. The bunch consists of 10 white roses that are hand tied with a matching ribbon bow. The divine fragrance and the charm of partially bloomed long stemmed roses is sure to appeal your dear ones and make them feel loved. White roses symbolize peace, innocence and love. So go ahead and place your order online now to give them a pleasant surprise. Product Details: Bunch of 10 White Roses Wrapped In Ribbon Bow

Original price was: ₹ 575.00.Current price is: ₹ 449.00. 22% Off

Mix Rose 12 & Black Forest Cake 1/2 Kg


Confess your love to old friend and propose her to be yours with this amazing combo which has a 1/2 kg round shape black forest cake with chocolate and cherry frosting. The smooth and spongy texture of the cake with vanilla icing taste awesome. The bouquet has a combination of 12 mix roses which are tied with a matching ribbon bow. Product Details: Bunch of 12 Mix Roses with matching ribbon bow tied, Half kg round shape black forest cake

Delightful Round Shaped Pineapple Cake


If you are not able to choose the perfect gift for you loved ones then your confusion will surely end here at this cake. This very beautiful and delicious 500g, round shaped pineapple flavored delicious cake is something that is perfectly going to suit all the occasions and is a great gifting option. This lovely cake garnished with yellow colored pineapple frosting, whipped cream and cherries looks amazing and tastes divine. Creamy texture and melt in mouth softness makes this cake a must include option for celebrations to be grand. So hurry up and place your order now. Product Details: 500g Round Shape Pineapple Cake

12 Red Rose & Paper Bunch


Make your someone special extremely happy by gifting them this exquisite bunch of 12 red roses with red paper packing . Rich in fragrance, the roses of this bunch are extremely fresh, spreading aroma and happiness. The recipient of this rose bunch will surely fall in love with this, thanking you from the bottom of their heart for this amazing gift.  So, don’t wait much thinking about money rather place your order now!

Original price was: ₹ 775.00.Current price is: ₹ 575.00. 26% Off

Scarlett Rose Choco Cake -Half Kg Chocolate Cake


This heart-shaped chocolate cake has a delicious flavor and an icing coating. This chocolate cake is stunningly tasty and can make every day memorable. The lovely decoration on the cake would certainly win the heart of the person to whom you deliver this cake.

Cake Flavour: Truffle
Shape: Heart-shape
Type of Cake: Cream
Type of Bread: Chocolate
Type of Cream: Chocolate
Filling in Layers: Chocolate

Original price was: ₹ 849.00.Current price is: ₹ 749.00. 12% Off

Fifty Shades Of Love


A love infused obsession for all the lovebirds out there! Comprising of fifty roses elegantly enveloped in white packaging, these red blossoms are waiting to surprise your beloved one and gently take them onto a ride to Loveland.

Original price was: ₹ 2,425.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,999.00. 18% Off

Delicate Royal Orchid Bouquet


Get ready to speak of your heart as you choose to express your heartfelt feelings to your loved ones with this mesmerizing orchid bouquet. This bouquet comes wrapped in jute wrapper to give it a pretty simple yet sophisticated vibe. It can be gifted to anyone who appreciates the beauty and the meaning of orchids.

Original price was: ₹ 1,035.00.Current price is: ₹ 935.00. 10% Off

Orchid N Roses


Send this stunning combination of fresh Purple Orchids and lovely White Roses, wrapped beautifully with white-green fillers to your loved ones and make them feel your presence even more. Your bouquet comprises of 6 Purple Orchids and 12 White Roses

Original price was: ₹ 1,249.00.Current price is: ₹ 999.00. 20% Off

Blomming Rose Bouquet


Roses are the best conveyor of feelings and are one of the blooms, that are perfect for sending your message of adoration for somebody, regardless of what the circumstance is. Get this perfectly organized bouquet of 12 roses and send to your special ones who are near to your heart.

Original price was: ₹ 675.00.Current price is: ₹ 599.00. 11% Off

Impression By – 100 Red And Pink Roses


Product Details: 30 Pink Roses 70 Red Roses White Paper Packing Beautiful Ribbon Bow Seasonal Fillers For beloved ones in your life, who are always there with you in all ups and downs of your life. For them, we have a…

Original price was: ₹ 3,849.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,499.00. 9% Off

Pink Delight


Want to send wishes of joy and cheer to your loved ones? These delicate pink roses decorated with areca palm leaves and green fillers arranged stylishly in a basket creating a small peaceful jungle is a perfect way to send your message of love and joy. It’s a perfect gift for anyone, on any occasion.
Contains : 20 Pink Roses in a Basket

Original price was: ₹ 1,149.00.Current price is: ₹ 899.00. 22% Off

Breathtaking Beauty


A perfect gift for weddings and engagement parties or any other celebration, this highly decorative and stylish bouquet of fresh Pink Roses complemented by Pink Asiatic Lilies arranged beautifully in a magnificent glass vase will brighten just any environment up. Send this flower arrangement to make your loved one’s day extra special and filled with blessings and cheer.
Contains : 12 Pink Roses and 10 Asiatic Lilies in a Glass Vase

Original price was: ₹ 2,449.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,849.00. 24% Off

Sweet Roses


Chocolates and Red Roses are a perfect combination. They are sinful yet, so pure. Gift someone this Hamper that has a bunch of 10 Red Roses, wrapped in cellophane paper and 5 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates to make their day special.

Product Contains:

– 10 Red Roses wrapped in cellophane

– 5 Dairy Milk Chocolates (13 Gms)

Original price was: ₹ 649.00.Current price is: ₹ 575.00. 11% Off

Lovely Roses Bouquet


Red and Pink are two colours that spell love in the most magical way. This Bouquet of 12 Red and Pink Roses, wrapped in Pink paper counts for a mesmerizing gift.

Product Contains:

– 12 Roses (Red and Pink)

– Pink paper packing

Original price was: ₹ 675.00.Current price is: ₹ 549.00. 19% Off

Pink Combo


Pink is a magical colour. With this Bouquet of 8 Pink Roses, wrapped in Pink paper, you can make anyone fall in love. It is beauty at its best. Make it a perfect Gift with Pink Teddy Bear.

Product Contains:

– 8 Pink Roses

– Pink paper packing

– 1 Pink Teddy Bear (10 inches)

Original price was: ₹ 999.00.Current price is: ₹ 849.00. 15% Off
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