Fresh Flowers

(Showing 65 – 96 products of 223 products)


100 Red Roses White Basket


A white basket of 100 red roses of your choice is a hot pick this season of love and romance! A lovely combination that will have someone you love smile at the gesture now and much after when s/he reminisces about it!

Original price was: ₹ 3,899.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,699.00. 5% Off

Bunch of Six Purple Orchids


Gifting these angelic purple colored orchids would be the best way to show your inner feelings and emotions. This lovely bunch of purple orchids symbolizes respect, loyalty and dignity. Key attributes :
Colour of Flower : Purple Type of Flowers : Orchids No. of Stems : 6

Bunch of 10 Pink Roses


Nothing can better express your heartfelt feelings and emotions than this delightful bunch of 10 pink roses. This arrangement of freshly plucked roses exudes a special fragrance which is sure to last for longer duration of time. Key attributes :
Type of Flowers : Roses Colour of Flower : Pink No. of Stems : 10

Original price was: ₹ 575.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00. 13% Off

Gallant Red Carnations Bouquet


Red is often said to be the color of love. This Valentine  s season, let a bouquet of red carnations do the talking for you. It consists of 30 freshly chosen and beautiful red carnations that are held together with tissue paper wrapping. These flowers will stand out when it comes to birthdays, weddings, farewells, anniversaries and many other occasions as well. Product details: 30 red carnations. Packing: Tissue paper wrapping

Original price was: ₹ 1,599.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,275.00. 20% Off

Admirable Glass Vase Arrangement


The arrangement consists of eight red carnations and six pink roses. Carnations and roses are among the best flowers which are used for depicting feelings. Flowers are known as God  s gift and have pleasing fragrance. Flowers have the capability to change the mood. They can make a person happy and cheerful. The alluring flower arrangement on the designer glass vase makes it a perfect item for decorating the interiors. Product Details: Glass Vase Arrangement of 8 Red Carnation & 6 Pink Rose with Some Fillers

Original price was: ₹ 1,149.00.Current price is: ₹ 875.00. 24% Off

Heart Shape 100 Red Roses Basket


A basket of 100 red roses shaped in heart arrangement delivers the deepest love and care for your loved one. This beautiful arrangement of red roses looks amazing which is decorated with white colour small flowers giving it a heart pulsating look. This super stylish bouquet is especially designed to show the intensity of love you have for them and is the souvenir of long lasting relationship and the bond you share. This bouquet will bring glow on the face of your beloved and she will mesmerise it for her entire life. Product Details: 100 red roses heart shape arrangement in a basket

Original price was: ₹ 4,225.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,495.00. 17% Off

Bunch Of 100 Red Roses


A surprise which will create a magic all over will be a bunch of 100 red roses tied with a matching ribbon bow. The red roses are especially handpicked which are fresh and moist. The angelic fragrance of the rose will convey your deep heart feeling to him and will tell him how you love him and you promise to be with him for the another 100 years. This bunch is decorated with white colour tiny flowers giving it a very classy look. Product Details: Bunch of 100 red roses with matching ribbon bow tied

Original price was: ₹ 3,999.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,299.00. 18% Off

Red Rose Heart Basket


This basket comprises of fifty, beautiful red roses which have been arranged to form a heart shape. They look pristine and the arrangement is impeccable. It is a great gift to be given on weddings, anniversaries, Valentine s Day or even days when you are trying to woo an angry boo! The flowers are fresh and are fully bloomed which makes the arrangement look all the more appealing. Product Details: Roses, Color: Red, Quantity: 50 pieces, Packing: Heart Shape Arrangement in a Basket 50 Red Roses Heart Shape Arrangement in a Basket.

Original price was: ₹ 2,299.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,899.00. 17% Off

Red & White Roses In Vase


This gift pack promises to be a good gifting solution when it comes to special occasions like Bhai Dooj, Diwali, Valentine  s Day, anniversaries and weddings apart from birthdays. You will find it hard to bypass this attractive bunch of roses without a doubt! Product Details: 10 mix Roses (Red &White ), Glass Vase

Mix Roses Bunch With Tissue Paper


Roses are considered as the king of flowers. These are one of the most preferred and loved flowers. We have a bunch of twenty one mix roses here that are spectacularly tied in a bunch with tissue paper wrapping. On the tissue paper wrap, there is also a beautiful and matching bow tied. The whole thing looks very pleasing and so is great to be gifted to anyone on occasions like Valentine’s Day, Anniversary, etc. Make your loved one feel on top of the world with this charming gift of roses and create memories to last forever. Product Details: Bunch of 21 Mix Roses in Tissue Paper Wrapping Tied With Matching Bow

Original price was: ₹ 1,249.00.Current price is: ₹ 949.00. 24% Off

Delightful Yellow Roses With Ribbon Bow


This amazing gift idea will surely bring a sparkle to someone  s day. It comes in a beautiful arrangement wherein 15 yellow roses are arranged in a round basket and the handle is adorned with a ribbon bow. The freshly bloomed flowers look picture perfect coupled with such a pretty arrangement. This can be an apt gift choice for a variety of occasions including anniversaries and farewells. Product details: 15 yellow roses, ribbon bow, round basket

Original price was: ₹ 875.00.Current price is: ₹ 735.00. 16% Off

Delicate Lilies And Orchids


This beautiful bouquet of pink lilies and purple orchids is just a perfect gift to someone who is near and dear to you. This unique bouquet will make the person feel special. There are 10 pink lilies and five purple orchids in a round arrangement basket. This makes for a graet gift for birthdays, wedding anniversaries etc. Product Details: 10 Pink Lilies, 5 Purple Orchids in a Round Arrangement Basket Product packing: Round Arrangement Basket

Mix Flower Bunch


Take a look at this amazing gift item which is just perfect for Valentine  s Day gifting. The gift item is a bunch of flowers which consists of 15 mixed flowers neatly tied in a ribbon. Although considered as old fashioned gift flowers are always able to make a person happy and cheerful. Flowers have the ability of conveying your feelings with different colors

Be Surprised – Basket Full Of Love


Product Details: 8 Red Roses 8 Dairy Milk Chocolates 13 gm 6 inches Teddy Basket Seasonal Fillers A gift, a surprise, a complete package consisting of 8 fresh red roses to fill the fragrance in your life with 8 dairy

Original price was: ₹ 1,299.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,149.00. 12% Off

Standing Together


This bouquet of red and yellow roses is a perfect way to express how you feel, be it love, sorrow, care, or affection. the freshest roses, arranged charmingly in a unique style, with green fillers and dry sticks will definitely bring comfort and smile to your loved ones.
Contains : 22 Red & Yellow Roses in a Basket

Original price was: ₹ 1,135.00.Current price is: ₹ 799.00. 30% Off

Orchid N Roses


Send this stunning combination of fresh Purple Orchids and lovely White Roses, wrapped beautifully with white-green fillers to your loved ones and make them feel your presence even more. Your bouquet comprises of 6 Purple Orchids and 12 White Roses

Original price was: ₹ 1,175.00.Current price is: ₹ 999.00. 15% Off

White Lily Rose Gerbera Bouquet


This divine bunch of White exotic flowers is the onlookers paradise. These flowers represent pure feelings which are untouched by any worldly disdain. Special Note: All the flowers might not be available at each occasion, they will be replaced with the equivalent with flowers to give a similar look.

Original price was: ₹ 1,775.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,549.00. 13% Off

Splendid Rose Bouquet


If the special person tends to get mesmerized by the beauty of red roses, every time he/she crosses a rose garden? Then, gifting a red rose bouquet will surely speak of your love for him/her. We understand it’s not just the sight which appeals to us but also its aromatic presence or appeal, as well.

Original price was: ₹ 675.00.Current price is: ₹ 549.00. 19% Off

Mixed Color Smiles


Wish a day full of lively colors and beautiful smiles to your loved one with this bunch of 20 Mix Roses wrapped beautifully to spread cheer. Let the flowers convey your deepest appreciation and heartfelt emotions!

Original price was: ₹ 1,175.00.Current price is: ₹ 949.00. 19% Off

Untouched Beauty


Pink Carnations represent eternal love. True to its name these carnations represent beauty in the rawest or truest form, which is why it is said to convey thousands of unsaid emotions related to love and gratitude. So, without further ado, gift this bouquet to someone who is as beautiful as this bunch of flowers.

Original price was: ₹ 675.00.Current price is: ₹ 599.00. 11% Off

Scarlet Rose Bouquet


Running out of gifting options for your special one? Well, the best gift which you must have if you are going to express your love to the most special person in your life. It is a bunch of 30 red roses that are beautifully packed in red imported paper.

Original price was: ₹ 1,599.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,349.00. 16% Off

Red Velvet Roses


What would be a Rose Day without a Rose? Empty, just like you would be without your partner. So, to celebrate your love this Rose Day, choose this unique Rose Day Special bouquet, which is arranged so beautifully that would surely make your love-story more worthy.

Original price was: ₹ 677.00.Current price is: ₹ 549.00. 19% Off

Layered Roses Bouquet


If you wish to entice that special someone in a unique yet traditional way, then an alluring arrangement of roses is the way to go. This pretty layered roses bouquet from FlowerAura is tailor-made for those special unexplainable feelings. With two rows of deep red and two rows of white roses, this bouquet is the perfect example of love and adoration.

Original price was: ₹ 1,275.00.Current price is: ₹ 999.00. 22% Off

Lovely Bunch


Create a tale of affection and never ending warmth with these lovely blossoms and make the bond stronger. And this ravishing Bunch Of 15 red carnations in nice paper packing is all that you would need to keep your loved ones close forever.

Original price was: ₹ 935.00.Current price is: ₹ 799.00. 15% Off

Love Poetry


If you have a deep-seated affection in your heart for someone special, then this sizzling bouquet of 100 roses will speak volumes about your love to your sweetheart. This beautiful gift represents the poetic romance between you two.

Original price was: ₹ 4,200.00.Current price is: ₹ 3,829.00. 9% Off

Splendid Rose Bouquet


If the special person tends to get mesmerized by the beauty of red roses, every time he/she crosses a rose garden? Then, gifting a red rose bouquet will surely speak of your love for him/her. We understand it’s not just the sight which appeals to us but also its aromatic presence or appeal, as well.

Original price was: ₹ 675.00.Current price is: ₹ 549.00. 19% Off

Rose Choco Bouquet


You all know that red is the quintessential colour of love. And here we have wrapped some enticing red roses, and mouth-watering chocolates to make it another perfect gift for this Rose Day. Surprise your lovely partner with this unique bouquet that would surely leave them in awe.

Original price was: ₹ 699.00.Current price is: ₹ 549.00. 21% Off

Orchid Bonanza


Embrace the beauty of your relationship with this beautiful bouquet of 6 long stemmed purple Orchids wrapped in jute and gracefully tied with pink threads. A special and memorable gift for any recipient.

Original price was: ₹ 999.00.Current price is: ₹ 749.00. 25% Off

Elegant Beauty


This eye-catching, decorative bouquet consists of 20 bright red roses along with seasonal fillers wrapped in an attractive red imported paper. Surprise your near and dear ones with this beauty today and wish them for a brighter future and good times ahead.

Original price was: ₹ 1,249.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,099.00. 12% Off

Hello Cutie


Product Details: 4 Red Roses 4 White Roses 10 Dairy Milk Chocolates 13 gm 6 inches White Teddy Basket Seasonal Fillers If you are confused about how to start a love story and how to proceed? Then we have a..

Original price was: ₹ 1,249.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,049.00. 16% Off

Stunning Mix Roses


This beautiful bouquet consists of: 10 Mixed color Roses Red and Yellow paper wrap Green/ White fillers

Original price was: ₹ 599.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00. 17% Off

Mix Flower Bouquet For Valentine


Product Details: 40 Mixed Roses White Paper Packing Red Ribbon Bow Seasonal Fillers It is a gift to denote a group of people from different areas and cultures and guide them to stay together and work in a team. We are offering…

Original price was: ₹ 1,875.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,799.00. 4% Off
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